Make it sustainable and energy smart! |
This fall is a great time to engage students in the National Grid service area in the effort to save energy and get involved in sustainable practices, both at home and at school. National Grid, which also provides utility services in the United Kingdom, is a principal partner in the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) taking place in Glasgow, Scotland this November under the banner “Uniting the World to Tackle Climate Change.” |
This conference is part of a global movement towards a low-carbon future, which includes increasing the use of renewable energy; shifting our modes, methods and habits of transportation and consumption; and getting government, industry and individuals on board for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. |
As a teacher, you play an important role in harnessing the awareness and engagement of your students and their families in stepping up to this crucial challenge. National Grid’s Energy Explorer website offers some great climate protection resources to help you in this endeavor. Our Energy Efficiency World and Sustainable Energy World modules offer activities, experiments, games and tips that empower students to save energy and practice sustainable consumption at home and at school. |
Order complimentary activity booklets |
Our Renewable Energy World, Energy Efficiency World and Energy and Your Environment booklets, available as hard copies or as e-books, also feature home energy conservation ideas and activities, class project ideas, challenges for students to innovate on their own and information and experiments to advance students’ understanding of renewable energy sources. |
Engage students in the energy-efficiency mindset |
While governments and corporations have a big part to play in helping reverse today’s climate disruption, individual and community actions play a vital role as well. Helping students understand the importance of energy efficiency is a critical first step to getting their buy-in on adopting energy-saving technologies and behaviors. |
For the bottom line, using energy more efficiently lowers a family’s monthly utility bill. Whether electricity or natural gas, people have to pay for their consumption: the less used, the lower the monthly costs. Smart choices can lower energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. |
From the climate perspective, however, an even more important reason to save energy is to protect our environment and its precious resources. Energy-efficient technologies and practices help us use less energy and, therefore, send fewer greenhouse gases into our air or pollutants into our waterways, making for a cleaner and more livable environment both for ourselves and for the non-human beings with whom we share the planet. Also, our non-renewable energy sources (coal, oil and natural gas) are limited, and the less we use, the longer they will last. |
Access school and classroom ideas on Getting Climate-Ready from the COP26 resources |
The COP26 has educators in mind as well as businesses and governments. The conference website includes a robust section with Teacher Resources, which includes suggestions on how to make your school “Climate Ready” and how to talk to younger students about climate change from National Geographic and World’s Largest Lesson. Students of all ages can get engaged in this important work of changing our energy use practices, starting today! |
Explore all our educational resources! |
Peruse our Energy Explorer website materials and order complimentary student booklets for grades K–8. |
Our booklets on electrical and natural gas safety, energy efficiency and sustainability are a great hands-on addition to screen and classroom learning, featuring home safety and energy use inspections, energy safety tips and activities and experiments to engage the whole household. |